EX-Sihates Exp. in TAAj, MARIIOT and HYAAT
One day, 3 ex-sihates working as SOUSchef's in TAAj, MARIIOT and HYAAT, went out for a walk, and they were together for there college reunion..... For no apparent reason, they went into KADRI ZOO PARK and passed a monkey. Being in the same business and from the same college, there was a little bit of a peer competition going on between themselves - they couldn't resist testing themselves against each other - especially the HYAAT guy said to the others: "Why don't we prove who is the BEST among ourselves?". Why not, said the other two.The HYAATan said " Let's have a test. Whoever makes this monkey laugh, works for the BEST HOTEL ". By mutual agreement, the MARIIOT took the first turn. Being a pure logical strategist, the MARIIOTian tried to make the monkey laugh by telling jokes. The monkey stayed still. As a more practical consultant, the HYAAT guy tried to make funny gestures... no good, the monkey stayed still, Now, comes the TAAjAN... being the practical guy he was always trained to be, he whispered something into the monkey's ear, and it burst out laughing at him.
The other two were astonished. How did this TAAj guy manage to beat them? No way they were going to accept defeat so easily. So the MARIIOT guy said " OK, let's take another test. Let's make this monkey cry !! " So there they went again, applying the same methods as before. The MARIIOT guy narrated sad stories, the HYAAT guy made sad gestures, and they failed again... Then, the TAAjAN again whispered something into the monkey's ear and it started crying, patting the TAAJan's shoulder!
The other two just could not believe their eyes! So the HYAATAN said " OK, you've won twice. If you can win just this one, we will bow to you. Let's make this monkey run ". And he barked at the monkey and ordered him to run. Of course, it stayed where it was. The MARIIOT guy, true to his type, pushed and prodded the monkey - still No go. So...here comes our TAAj guy, again, and whispers into the monkey's ear. The monkey just takes off! It runs and runs as fast as it can, as if it was scared to death!!!.
The other two surrendered. Said they: "OK, we give up. You're the best among us, and you work for the BEST HOTEL of the three. But please, please tell us your secret RECIPE," they begged him. " Well ", said the TAAjAN, "The first time I made it laugh, I told it I work for TAAj GROUP OF HOTELS. The next time, I told the monkey how much I get paid...so it started crying. And finally I told him that I was here for recruit HIM !!!"
hAHAHAH ...Good one,as an Ex-Hyattan I like the jock. It is Hyatt not Hyaat.